Fighting the inevitable

People encounter problems no matter how much we try to prevent them — they are inevitable. But we shouldn’t avoid them; we should face them. It is with fear and anxiety that many people try to run away from their problems.

Just remember, there is something we all have but we usually ignore …

A quotation I received through email said:

Stop telling God you’ve got big problems.
Tell your problems you’ve got a big God!

… Yes, a big God!


4 responses to “Fighting the inevitable”

  1. Mia Avatar

    Stop telling God you’ve got big problems.
    Tell your problems you’ve got a big God!

    I am happy that you still acknowledge the One up there well despite all the troubles He sends to test you. Don’t worry because God is always there to help you out! And if things don’t work out well, you can always ask my help. I may not give good advice but at least I’m sort of… a shock absorber, I guess. 😛

    Take care!

  2. eViL tHirD Avatar
    eViL tHirD

    wow aja kaw ba yan? alam mo yung God…hehehe…joke only

  3. Aja Avatar

    Salbahe! Grrr… Ang yabang neto! 😡

  4. eViL tHirD Avatar
    eViL tHirD
