Several weeks ago, with the discussions on and my involvement with WaSP ILG and recently with PWAG, I was struck by the idea of forming an advocacy group here in the Philippines concerning Web standards. I immediately asked two of my standards-loving friends, Shari and Lexie, if they are also interested. Though we sometimes had conference chats regarding the topic, we still haven’t been able to formally talk about our goals and objectives. All I know is that we sure love to promote standards to every Web-aware Filipino.[1]
We thought about inviting some other standards-aware individuals and professionals, but we could never know them all [though Shari has already mentioned quite a few]. I guess I also like the idea of volunteering as this would constitute better involvement on the possible discussions that will be held regarding the matter. So if anyone would like to join the advocacy wholeheartedly, speak up! We will be very glad to hear from you. We are taking steps little by little towards a standards compliant Web.
On the other side of the story, you may notice Filipino/Tagalog translations[2] on the International Liaison Group pages from the Web Standards Project. Those were translated by yours truly with the help of my mother and my friend Shari. We aren’t very good translators, so if you notice [some] mistakes—given the fact there are virtually no literal translation for every single English word, and most technical Filipino words are just borrowed—and you know you could help us, I am so much willing to receive some assistance.
By the way, I have written an article for Bite Size Standards about styling inline list items. I would eventually post them here if ever they consider it useful and worthy of being included in their archive. I have considered writing the article for A List Apart, but I feel it seems a bit overreaching. I sent the article to them [BSS] on the 6th of February 2007. I guess am slowly realizing I am running out of luck—there are only two days left before their expected processing duration of one to two weeks comes to an end.
5 responses to “Towards a Standards Compliant Web”
Hey! Who says I was being sarcastic? :p
Anyway, a good idea if we start now with Basecamp, I guess. We’ll think of everything else as we go along. Our only real problem now (besides the planning and organizing, of course, lol) is the domain name. I am sooo wanting the sound of ^_^ You already know that there’s 1GB webspace awaiting us…
Oh dear! Why do you have to remind me of the translations? *headache* We should read a comprehensive Filipino dictionary.
Aja, I hope you’d post your article/s here and/or our planned website even if BSS wouldn’t include it/them in their archive. I know a lot of us here are excited to read what you’ve written.
actually, im currently doing a thesis proposal on standards and usability.
I remember “discussing” — I use the term loosely — web standards with you a while back, and contrary to my indifference for validated web pages, I’m all for this project. One caveat: I do not see compliance by designers as an end, but as a means to get browser manufacturers (read:Mircosoft) to toe the line on the issue.
[…] standards advocates Shari and Aja are looking into forming a group of like minded people — that is, web standard advocates […]
nice site, i’m into blogging so most of my templates are from pre-format, and another reason is i’m not an IT. lol. good to come across you site. any tips from the expert?!