Nearing the end of WordCamp

Matt signs

We ambushed Matt earlier to have him sign my excuse letter and take some photos. Lexie told me I looked like a child on Christmas morning while Matt is signing my letter. 😀

With Sir Regnard

I’m so happy that Web standards was included as a topic in one of the talks specifically by Regnard Raquedan. And I was actually surprised he mentioned me and my blog. Now, I somehow feel pressured to post something about Web standards again. 😛 We are planning to have a meeting later for the Web Standards Philippines group, and I really hope it would again get things going. Thanks Sir Regnard! 😀


2 responses to “Nearing the end of WordCamp”

  1. Regnard Raquedan Avatar

    No pressure! 😛

    But seriously, I felt it was proper to give props to bloggers who do talk about it. 🙂

  2. Aja Avatar

    Thanks thanks. We at the (still almost non-existent) Web Standards Philippines group are still talking about how to start things again. I am almost always busy with school, and I am itching to graduate, so I could focus more on the things I’ve left hanging on the Internet. 😀