Category: Experiences

  • So much work, so little time

    One word: über-busy.

    I’ve just realized having so many dreams and interests could really stress a person out—well, at least for me. Well, after two weeks of unannounced hiatus, I could finally tell you some news.

    1. I’ve got the Head position in the Web & Technical Committee of the Engineering Student Council. Wish me good luck on this, guys. It’s so much work I haven’t imagined. I’ve only applied for the Assistant Head position, but after two chosen candidates [for the Head] declined, they picked me. Many projects to come. 🙂
    2. I’ve got accepted to work on XHTMLized. Current project: none. I’ve got to finish ESC work first. 😀
    3. My Princess got a blog! And, I write here, too. Please read: Mixed to Perfection. Thank you! Shoutout: I love you, Princess!
    4. My interest in spreading Web standards could possibly be official. Though up to now it still isn’t, I’ve already told Molly that I’m interested in joining the International Liason Group of The Web Standards Project. I hope other Filipinos come and join. This would be a great opportunity for everyone who’s into standards. 🙂

    I know I am forgetting something. Haha! It would just have to be on the next entry. I have to start making my project proposals and the projects themselves. Until next time!

    Raindrops on my car window. North Luzon Expressway, 6 May 2006. Oh yes! I remember: I’ve already gone out swimming with the Tan Clan (my mother’s side of the family). I’ve got only a handful of photos because it was so much fun being in water after so many days of extreme heat exhaustion. Ironically, it rained so heavy the afternoon we were coming home from the province. *sweatdrop*

    BTW, I’ve finished my upcoming layout about a week ago. It’s the content that it is lacking—about eight user pages are still unfinished, but the WordPress layout is done. I don’t want to activate it just yet because I think I have the tendency not to continue its development if I implement the design so early. Well, I may ask you though: “Finish it first!” or “I want the new design now!”? 😛

    Back to work, now. One by one by one by one … 🙂

  • A Different Kind of Easter Bunny

    First of all: Happy Easter, everyone! I seemed to have forgotten to greet you on my last entry because of certain excitement and happiness — proves Easter is a happy season. Well, I actually didn’t go right to happy mode when I woke up on Easter Sunday, I could not sleep for hours rolling on my bed trying to get the best sleeping position [or it may be because of something else]. All I know is I haven’t got sufficient sleep.

    As celebrities and other families celebrate their Holy Weeks on trips and vacations, our family usually spends it on fasting, abstinence, and heavy exercise. 😆

    This is the heavy exercise: Since our house was extended, I didn’t have time and space to arrange and clean up my things the best way I could. I ended up having the dirtiest room in the house or possibly the neighborhood. Ehehe … Anyway, since my room is the farthest from outside [or the facade of] our house besides from being the dirtiest, it was the first one we cleaned up. Now I have the cleanest room of the house! Yeah! And that’s not all. We moved my computer and television here from the library–et-cetera room beside mine. Again: my computer is in my room!

    But, I still haven’t finished tidying up everything that was left in the living room since we put everything there to be sorted out. About two days of cleaning still unfinished. Ehehe … I told you it was really a mess! My Easter bunny is a dust bunny. 😆

    Well, let us get out of that thought now. I’ve got a lot of plans for this website. I think it’s time for a redesign and restructure since my site info and about pages are becoming bloated and I am starting my web development career. I still haven’t got ideas for the design but I’ve finished the blueprint for the structure of the new version of this website.

    Oh, I’ve thought of an idea for a domain name but I’ve asked only from a handful of my friends. I still want some ideas for it so I will be putting off publicizing my idea a little later.

  • The Weekend

    At last, only a couple of weeks and a handful of schoolwork are left before I graduate from sophomore year! Before this weekend came, it was almost like hell that I could not have survived. But, yes, I am just exaggerating. 😆

    My Eng 107A final exam speech about series and parallel circuits was through. I’ve got an average of 15.67 points out of 20 — fair enough for lacking eye contact with the listeners and the judges. My Fil 2 concept paper about science fiction movies have been passed — defense is left to be done on Tuesday. A quiz on Phys 205 and Math 109 also gave me a headache! And, CWTS is finally through! CWTS 2 requirements were passed and graduation took place earlier this day. I really did not expect receiving one of the two best group awards for section E (1-7) but, yeah, we got it! Now I will never have to worry about those INC grades our teacher scared us then about. 😛

    Let us now go to the extra-curricular side of the story. I have passed my application for the Assistant Committee Head for the Web & Technical Committee of the ESC. I really hope to be accepted though fellow TomWeb volunteers applied for an assistant head position, which I think is also for the Web & Technical Committee. It really was something I could not have opt for but I really want to do something especially if it means something to be added to my CV. 😛

    Finally, my life story: My dentist told me last February 11th that he may be able to remove my braces the next month. Excited, I went there last Friday. Unfortunately, my lower incisors still move that he could still not remove my braces. 🙁 So now I’m left excited, still, for April. 😛

    Please wish me good luck for another hell week and for the final exams week! I badly need it. 😀

  • Big Brother

    Big note: I will not be talking about some reality television series this time.

    This may sound melancholic, but I just realized this past few days that I’ve been longing for a big brother, or maybe even a little one. Here’s my story:

    Before evening last Tuesday, I became excited when my father told me my older cousin will be sleeping over our house for the night because his friend asked him to teach something. It didn’t actually take place, so we just hung around, watched a movie, and talked about stuff. I was happy. But, it was actually my mother who made me realize that I long for a kuya (“big brother” in English). Yes, I have an older sister whom I really am close with, but I can neither play games nor watch action movies with her.

    A big brother is plainly impossible that’s why I guess even a little brother would suffice. Though my mother said it is still possible for her to bear a child, it will be very difficult and dangerous for she’s already in her forties, and she have had operations somewhere in her reproductive system. 🙁

    BTW, I have had my hair cut yesterday — shaved sides ang back. I don’t actually miss the long-back style I’ve had for years now, it’s so damn hot these days that I became comfortable with this new haircut almost immediately. I just don’t know how I can handle my classmates’ and friends’ teasing of gagong gupit or such when I go to school this Monday or Tuesday. Now, I really look like some fat kid who’s missing a big brother. I just hope other people won’t see it as such. 😆

  • A Bloody Good Souvenir

    So many weeks have passed and I haven’t been able to update my blog. School work and social activities, I think, somehow hindered me to do so. Another thing was my host’s hardware failure erasing most of my readers’ comments, which I happen to treasure more than my articles themselves. Most of all, I really had been pressuring myself to write really good articles especially for a grand re-entrance to the blogosphere, which I sadly figured I can’t — that’s too much for my skills. I’m just going to write this like I haven’t been gone. Please bear with me. 🙂

    An inch-long skin-peel I have been on a really tight schedule now that I have school for six days a week. NSTP CWTS took my Monday vacation for its weekly activities. I really have been enjoying digging and leveling soil, and moving 50-kg concrete blocks during our off-campus activities. What I didn’t like was the fact the I had to ride 6-7 different public transportation routes and/or vehicles just to get there. This was the off-campus activities’ last day. Fortunately, I’ve had a souvenir. 😆

    It didn’t hurt so much, I’ve just peeled my skin off for about an inch long. I just hope it wouldn’t cause infections. That photo was taken about 12 hours after the incident with the iron pick; the wound applied with an ointment. I wish I had taken photo sooner that it would look more bloody fresh and gross. *haha* 😛

    Preliminary exams week has just passed making me more comfortable to write something again. Hopefully, this would go on and on again.

    A lot has changed about me this new year — more fat, less computer. I’m beginning to hate myself! 😆