Category: Me

  • Oh, Happy Day!

    You were once someone whom I would just pass by without even knowing you were there … Now, I can’t pass by anything without you. Then, you became someone I’d share a couple of PE class hours with every week, but no more than that … Now, you’ve become more to me than everything. Then, you became someone I’d listen to for all day for stories of people that I shouldn’t have been caring for in any way … Now, you’ve become the story I’d share to anyone whom I don’t know even cares about hearing it.

    Almost seventeen years that I haven’t known you now feels like a life wasted. All these times I wish I’ve known you a little sooner; that I could have known you a little better. Now, it doesn’t matter anymore. 25th of December 2004 was when I first told you I love you. 26th of March 2005 was when you told me the same. It was two days later when we became officially together. Now … it has been a year.

    From day one to day three hundred and sixty-five, we have already solved countless problems together and even against each other. With this, I definitely know we’ve changed a lot about each other. Sometimes I even think I am not whom I used to be before I met you. But nothing in life is constant except for change. Even my love for you changes. Yes … it grows.

    To my baby honey munchkin sweetheart, the princess of my heart and the queen of my life:

    Bhei and By

    Happy Anniversary!
    I love you … so much!

  • Mixed nuts


    Summer’s here; I have a lot of time to think. Now, compared to my usual post length, I’ve got you a longer one.

    Another day in my life

    Of course: my life’s story. I really can feel summer right now. No doubt. I’ve got tons of reasons to prove that:

    • Exhibit A: No water supply[1]
    • Exhibit B: Too damn hot outside
    • Exhibit C: It’s damn hot inside, too
    • Exhibit D: Second semester just ended
    • Exhibit E: Third semester[2] is starting ๐Ÿ˜†

    Summer: summer vacation or summer classes?

    I really am hoping for the former. Though I got a grade below the orginal intended passing grade, I wish it could be lowered to less than what I have. I have posted so many times about Phys 205, so I guess you know what I am talking about right now. *worried*

    First anniversary promo ๐Ÿ˜›

    As an online entity, I usually:

    1. Try to make friends
    2. Go with a flow; and
    3. Do whatever pleases me

    I see many people being hosted for free by other bloggers. Since I think I have superiority complex[3], I don’t like being the one hosted by another. Here’s what I want to do, then:

    Thinking about my domain’s anniversary this August, I was planning to buy an add-on domain to host bloggers since nobody would want a address. But, I really do not know what people want as a domain name, so I am asking you. I decided to have a head start since I have a regular reader base of only less than ten that in time I hope I can have more responses than that.

    My rules and criteria:

    • criteria:
      • the domain should be:
        1. gender neutral; and
        2. appealing
      • it’s a plus if the domain:
        1. is something I could relate to
        2. is short; easy to remember; and
        3. comes with a .net extension[4]
    • rules:
      1. the domain should be available[5]

    Criteria and Rules updated 31 March 2006, 19:01

    Of course, I am not entirely sure if I can accomplish this. Money still governs the final decision.

    Now, if you have any ideas or suggestions, please respond below using the comment form. Thank you.

    New column

    With so much in mind, I think I’d like to open up a special category for just thoughts. So, just read after this entry, I have one I’d like you to respond to. ๐Ÿ™‚


    I’ve just played TextTwist with my sister. I lost to “LUNACY” in the ninth round. Argh, I think I’ve become a deranged lunatic. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ Oh, my head hurts like hell!


    1. ^ No water supplyThe well in our village is undergoing maintenance and/or renovation. I really do not know the cause of it being made deeper, I just plainly concluded it is because of summer heat though a more complicated cause is more plausible.
    2. ^ Third semesterAs UST Engineering students would say: Third semester is another name for summer classes, for summer classes feels just like regular school days.
    3. ^ Superiority complexI think I actually have alternating superiority-inferiority complex รขโ‚ฌโ€ if such really exists รขโ‚ฌโ€ depending on the situation and the people involved.
    4. ^ .net domain extensionFor the domain will be a network of my friends and hostees.
    5. ^ Whois SearchCheck domain availability
  • Frustrated Entry

    My fixed desktop PC Whew! My desktop PC had just got through from a major overhaul. A couple of months ago, my desktop occasionally hangs even before Windows finish starting up and that incident became worse every day. I was just happy I have a notebook on which I can continue school work and Web work. We brought my dead PC to my uncle, but even after replacing the memory modules and the processor, it still was a wreck. That was when we concluded that the motherboard was the problem. It was now replaced with a new one that includes a whole lot of new features รขโ‚ฌโ€ more USB 2.0 ports, an on-board LAN, support for AGP 8X, and 400-Mhz DIMM slots รขโ‚ฌโ€ I was glad. ๐Ÿ˜€

    Gawd, I’ve written that [paragraph above] about a week ago. But since I haven’t got all the time in the world, I was not able to finish, especially with all my school work that was nearing their deadlines and finals week that was coming. Now everything that I haven’t been able to write earlier just faded into [my] memory that I am not able to put into words anymore.

    I so hate it when that happens. A Gift from My Princess Good thing my baby gave me this cute little stuffed toy: a tiny fat pig. Oh, you see our resemblance? ๐Ÿ˜† Ehehe … I love you, princess! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Well, everything has been fine with me unless of course I try to think about my Phys 205 grade, which I have a very bad hunch about. I really hope I’m ready to know what it really is come this Friday. Oh, please wish me all the luck I need …

    Err … I just can’t seem to forget that this entry was a frustrated post. I really hope it won’t happen again. I’m really not so worried about ruining my story, it’s just that I’ve realized I have ruined memory. Oh stop it. I’m not getting that old. ๐Ÿ˜†

    Now I am thinking: Maybe those wrecked motherboard and slow memory modules that were on my PC caused my memory to leak, too. Waaa!

    OK. I’ll stop now.

  • The Weekend

    At last, only a couple of weeks and a handful of schoolwork are left before I graduate from sophomore year! Before this weekend came, it was almost like hell that I could not have survived. But, yes, I am just exaggerating. ๐Ÿ˜†

    My Eng 107A final exam speech about series and parallel circuits was through. I’ve got an average of 15.67 points out of 20 รขโ‚ฌโ€ fair enough for lacking eye contact with the listeners and the judges. My Fil 2 concept paper about science fiction movies have been passed รขโ‚ฌโ€ defense is left to be done on Tuesday. A quiz on Phys 205 and Math 109 also gave me a headache! And, CWTS is finally through! CWTS 2 requirements were passed and graduation took place earlier this day. I really did not expect receiving one of the two best group awards for section E (1-7) but, yeah, we got it! Now I will never have to worry about those INC grades our teacher scared us then about. ๐Ÿ˜›

    Let us now go to the extra-curricular side of the story. I have passed my application for the Assistant Committee Head for the Web & Technical Committee of the ESC. I really hope to be accepted though fellow TomWeb volunteers applied for an assistant head position, which I think is also for the Web & Technical Committee. It really was something I could not have opt for but I really want to do something especially if it means something to be added to my CV. ๐Ÿ˜›

    Finally, my life story: My dentist told me last February 11th that he may be able to remove my braces the next month. Excited, I went there last Friday. Unfortunately, my lower incisors still move that he could still not remove my braces. ๐Ÿ™ So now I’m left excited, still, for April. ๐Ÿ˜›

    Please wish me good luck for another hell week and for the final exams week! I badly need it. ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Big Brother

    Big note: I will not be talking about some reality television series this time.

    This may sound melancholic, but I just realized this past few days that I’ve been longing for a big brother, or maybe even a little one. Here’s my story:

    Before evening last Tuesday, I became excited when my father told me my older cousin will be sleeping over our house for the night because his friend asked him to teach something. It didn’t actually take place, so we just hung around, watched a movie, and talked about stuff. I was happy. But, it was actually my mother who made me realize that I long for a kuya (“big brother” in English). Yes, I have an older sister whom I really am close with, but I can neither play games nor watch action movies with her.

    A big brother is plainly impossible that’s why I guess even a little brother would suffice. Though my mother said it is still possible for her to bear a child, it will be very difficult and dangerous for she’s already in her forties, and she have had operations somewhere in her reproductive system. ๐Ÿ™

    BTW, I have had my hair cut yesterday รขโ‚ฌโ€ shaved sides ang back. I don’t actually miss the long-back style I’ve had for years now, it’s so damn hot these days that I became comfortable with this new haircut almost immediately. I just don’t know how I can handle my classmates’ and friends’ teasing of gagong gupit or such when I go to school this Monday or Tuesday. Now, I really look like some fat kid who’s missing a big brother. I just hope other people won’t see it as such. ๐Ÿ˜†