Category: Multimedia

  • Love is Tragedy

    I really don’t know why there’s this soft side in me that likes tragic endings. Nevertheless, I typically like only those that come with very wonderful meanings. I’ve just posted one ten days ago, as an example. Well, now I guess I’m just reminiscing how happy I am when I’m with her. Now that the summer vacation has started, we, more or less, wouldn’t be seeing each other in a very long while—very long at least for me.

    I’ve watched the following video[1] circa 2004. A blog post from a recent commenter about a blind girl’s love story, though unrelated to the video, reminded me of it.

    Watch Because I’m a Girl by KISS on Google Video

    Love is tragedy—it is sacrifice. Yes, in exactly two years that we’ve been together we still have arguments left unanswered. Yet, I’m very happy it really shows we still love each other. I already had my last happy moment with her during the school year. This waiting for so long is a sacrifice. But, if it only proves that our love is stronger than distance, I would not hesitate to take the challenge.

    Happy 2nd Year, My Princess! I’m missing you already! *hug*


    • ^ The video is entitled Because I’m a Girl by KISS, a KPop girl group. More info on
  • Nothing Could Stop a Dreamer

    I’ve watched this animation a long time ago, but after I saw a recent Multiply entry about some inspirational video from a friend, I just remembered it right away.[1] I searched for it and found it on YouTube.

    I do not know how this may touch you, but I felt a mix of inspiration and heartbreak at the same time, with tears filling up my eyes,[2] after I’ve watched the following video as it came to its end.

    Watch Kiwi! on YouTube

    What do you think of it? I think I should start nailing trees to a cliff right away. I know I will eventually come to my end, but I would have reached my dream anyway.

    Kudos to Dony Permedi for this great thesis animation.


    1. ^ I didn’t watched my friend’s video, I searched for the one I remembered right away.
    2. ^ I didn’t actually cry.
  • Funny Gag for Halloween

    I was browsing through some blogs when I came across a Filipino Jokes blog entry through Pinoy Blog. I browsed all its pages and found some on its Google Video links entry quite amusing. I thought I’d share to you one since it’s Halloween and the gag’s theme is very relevant this time of the year. Enjoy!

    Watch the Gag on Google Video

    Happy Halloween, everyone!

    I think credit would go to Stevan Hogg since his name is bugged all throughout the video.