Category: Dreams

  • Nothing Could Stop a Dreamer

    I’ve watched this animation a long time ago, but after I saw a recent Multiply entry about some inspirational video from a friend, I just remembered it right away.[1] I searched for it and found it on YouTube.

    I do not know how this may touch you, but I felt a mix of inspiration and heartbreak at the same time, with tears filling up my eyes,[2] after I’ve watched the following video as it came to its end.

    Watch Kiwi! on YouTube

    What do you think of it? I think I should start nailing trees to a cliff right away. I know I will eventually come to my end, but I would have reached my dream anyway.

    Kudos to Dony Permedi for this great thesis animation.


    1. ^ I didn’t watched my friend’s video, I searched for the one I remembered right away.
    2. ^ I didn’t actually cry.
  • Back to School

    It isn’t the start of the semester or the academic year, but it sure feels like it as numerous school activities, weather mis-forecasts, and just the regular weekends got packed into one hell of a vacation I might as well call a weekendless. Our class of 3ECEA wouldn’t even have our laboratory instructor for tomorrow—though lectures still would take place. But, counting the days since the suspension of classes, it totals to six days of no classes all in all.

    But, I guess I just have to rant some things that I have to get out of my system:

    • The first one would be the devastating effect of the Super Typhoon Reming especially in the provinces. While I was busy having fun because of little rainfall with the suspension of classes, I sadly realized many have been hardly hit by the raging typhoon resulting to many casualties. Let us pray for them.
    • I still haven’t learned much this late in the semester! All those class suspensions and school activities—with examples including but are not limited to the recollection early this morning and NECES week last, last week, with activities almost every morning conflicting with our schedule—consumed class time.
    • All these absent professors/instructors keep me justifying myself for lack of self-discipline finishing certain school work.

    Anyway, I still can’t feel the Christmas spirit. When I was a kid we used to setup the tree within the range of October-November (whenever there’s semester break or before the All Souls’ Day vacation ends), but it’s now December and not even one decoration is up yet. But, hey: For those thinking about what to give me this coming Holidays, I wouldn’t give you much of a hard time trying to find out what to give me—even if you didn’t even greet me on My Birthday Entry. *tee-hee*

    • Computer case: white, ATX form factor, HDD bays in front of a 120-mm noiseless intake fan, and front-panel USB ports as minimum specs 😉
    • Digital SLR camera
    • Apple iPod USB power adapter
    • Better-sounding earphones [or maybe even better-sounding lanyard earphones for 1st gen nano]
    • Internal DVD±R/RW drive, white; and
    • Maybe some original Evanescence CDs 😛

    Yes, yes … I know I could keep on dreaming. LOL

    BTW, I have migrated the formerly Blogger-platformed quote log located at /special, to a WordPress installation in this server. Please visit: x22. The Qlog will be updated soon. 🙂

  • Cross-browser testing, yet again

    I have read about Internet Explorer 7: Beta 2 Preview the day after it was released [20th of March]. The developers say it is rendering-behavior complete so I downloaded it to test my pages for rendering issues but it seemed to be having trouble detecting my Internet connection that I ditched it immediately hoping it to be better on the final release. Also, my father always had trouble dealing with new software, especially web browsers, so I really did not consider it staying installed in my PC because he still uses IE6 instead of the system’s default Firefox browser [which is also because of his lack of adaptive skills on browsers] that if IE7 was installed it will technically be a new browser to get used to.

    I have just discovered earlier this morning a way to use IE7 as a standalone browser. I was happy that I would not have to install it again to replace IE6, therefore, enabling me to cross-browser test with four different browsers — four different rendering engines [i.e., Firefox, Opera, IE6 and IE7].

    But, now that I have the new MSIE7 [prefixed for unambiguity] with improved native rendering features, testing it on my web site proved it still doesn’t come near to what Dean Edwards has done with JavaScript on his IE7 “plugin” for browsers prior to the real MSIE7. Needless to say, I still have to hack my CSS or at least get Dean’s IE7’s content-generating module to work on MSIE7 for this web site uses a lot of content-generation from CSS to improve readability especially with lists.

    *sigh* So much for a hack-free Web every standards advocate dreams to come very soon.

    elliptical trainer

  • Big Brother

    Big note: I will not be talking about some reality television series this time.

    This may sound melancholic, but I just realized this past few days that I’ve been longing for a big brother, or maybe even a little one. Here’s my story:

    Before evening last Tuesday, I became excited when my father told me my older cousin will be sleeping over our house for the night because his friend asked him to teach something. It didn’t actually take place, so we just hung around, watched a movie, and talked about stuff. I was happy. But, it was actually my mother who made me realize that I long for a kuya (“big brother” in English). Yes, I have an older sister whom I really am close with, but I can neither play games nor watch action movies with her.

    A big brother is plainly impossible that’s why I guess even a little brother would suffice. Though my mother said it is still possible for her to bear a child, it will be very difficult and dangerous for she’s already in her forties, and she have had operations somewhere in her reproductive system. 🙁

    BTW, I have had my hair cut yesterday — shaved sides ang back. I don’t actually miss the long-back style I’ve had for years now, it’s so damn hot these days that I became comfortable with this new haircut almost immediately. I just don’t know how I can handle my classmates’ and friends’ teasing of gagong gupit or such when I go to school this Monday or Tuesday. Now, I really look like some fat kid who’s missing a big brother. I just hope other people won’t see it as such. 😆

  • Destiny

    I’ve been recently watching DVD re-re-runs (sic) of “destiny” films (specifically, Serendipity and My Sassy Girl) these past few weeks. They topped my hit chart almost instantaneously. I also remembered watching years ago an Asian film entitled: Love on a Diet, which also has a similar meeting–parting–meeting-again setup. This kind of movie really draws out the soft side in me, or rather the dreamy part of me.

    Now, on to the topic:

    Destiny — something, or rather someone we all look forward to. It builds us dreams and hopes that another person is bound to be with us for the rest of our lives. Oh, it’s so good.

    So, what if you found somebody and fell for her? But, destiny gets in the way. Yes, (it is obvious that) I believe in destiny. I also believe it tears hearts apart, wrecks peoples lives, shatters hopes and dreams for a person they thought was their destiny — just like what happens in the movies, without the happy ending. Ugh. It’s so sad.

    But I make my own destiny.

    So, if you are reading this, let me just tell the whole world:

    I’d make my destiny with you. 🙂

    It’s all about choices.