I anxiously went to UST early this morning for our clearance report. It wasn’t easy especially that I was expecting a failing grade in Phys 205 as I have told in my earlier entries. Fortunately, though my head is aching [with fear, anxiety and because of the heat of the sun], I arrived there early because of vacation-induced lightness of traffic. π
The fifth year students and the ESC were the ones who distributed the clearance reports. But classrooms were still closed even when hundreds of students are waiting outside in the corridors. Fortunately, we were first in line when they actually came to start the distribution.
Then the moment finally came. Like both of the paragraphs before this, this paragraph’s last sentence would start with “fortunately”. Fortunately, I passed all of my subjects!
Well … Let’s go to a side-story after being blissful for ten minutes when I’ve received my clearance report. The fifth year distributor of the reports owned a Pilot ball-point pen but she lost it due to some students feeling it was theirs—or at least because someone forgot they were still holding it. π Being the happiest person in the room, I gave her my Panda pen, which is much cheaper than a Pilot, telling her that she should be using those [Panda and the likes] kinds because those events really happen especially when students could be extremely happy or extremely sad that they forgot what they’re holding. π
Now, leaving the room, I bumped into and talked to Kuya Bert—the ESC President. He asked me why I didn’t go to the last meeting of the committee applicants. Well, I just told him the truth that I haven’t received a memo from one of the officers. After he asked that, I expected that I was not the one they picked, but I, being the inquisitive being that I am, asked him if I was chosen. Well this is really a post of “fortunately’s”. Fortunately, he said I was.
I went to the Main Building with my classmates to get to see my grades. There were so many people lined up, and again, fortunately, the line wasn’t to long when we lined up—it was doubled when we finally got our turn for the computer.
It wasn’t good but I still am happy. I got home and computed for my weighted average. It is, fortunately :lol:, higher than the one I’ve had last semester though I haven’t got a 3.0 then and I have 2 of it now.
Happy? Not really … I’ve got no money for summer! LOLx
CSS Naked Day
Btw, you may ask what is this CSS Naked Day. It is a celebration of semantic and purely structural markup that signifies the separation of style from content—the separation of presentational markup [e.g., <b>
, <i>
, <u>
] from XHTML to make way for CSS as the presentational element in a web page. It showcases a bunch of web sites [including my web site] that participates in showing a page that is clear and not confusing even without stylesheets included. Please go to Dustin Diaz’s original entry for comments about the CSS Naked Day.