Tag: superlatives

  • Technological Language Barrier

    Language barrier is a figurative phrase to describe the difficulty in learning a new language. I would also use it to define a limit to the language with its current uses.

    Technological breakthroughs are being made every day. And with this, a new name would be heard throughout all the mediums of communication with news, commentaries, discussions and advertisements. I often hear words like super, ultra, enhanced, extended, advanced, high-speed, et al. incorporated in names [and usually in acronyms] of these new technologies. Two recent examples include:

    • HSDPA or High-Speed Downlink Packet Access, a 3rd Generation mobile technology for voice, data and multimedia communications.
    • HUXGA or Hexadecatuple Ultra Extended Graphics Array, a computer monitor resolution with 6400×4800-pixel area.

    Now I wonder: With the newest technologies using names composed of superlatives, how would the next inventors and innovators brand their creations?

    Even though what is considered advanced to day will be history tomorrow, I don’t think people would name what is Advanced now as Advanced tomorrow [even with the assumption that the new name would disregard what the past advanced technology was] as that would eventually ruin the evolution history of these technologies.

    Some names also use words too silly to be extended such as broadband. I don’t think there ever will be a Broaderband Internet. 😛

    It seems that the English language is insufficient for technology though it still is the most widely used medium for technical communication. Though I think the language evolves as well, it seems so slow compared to the way technology does. Would the languages we use today catch up with the pace technology has?